On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 04:34:03AM -0500, Aaron Schrab wrote:
> At 23:04 -0400 10 May 2001, adam morley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 12:43:28AM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> > > format=flowed requires a lot more implementation than just adding a
> > > content-type header, iirc.
> I wouldn't really say "a lot more" (at least when not dealing with
> quoted text), but definitely more.
> > well, if i write my messages so they are wrapped like this as you will
> You mean not wrapped.
> > see in one second, then it can be classified as a flowed message. a
> I suppose it *could* be classified as such, but I don't see much point
> in doing so. The whole point of format=flowed is so that paragraphs
> will wrap in programs that support it, but still be readable with
> programs that don't do wrapping.
one gnus user (under emacs) pointed out that unwrapped text is treated as "fixed" text
so this line which just wrapped doesn't wrap word boundaries, but letter boundaries.
is that wrong/right?
> It also doesn't follow part of RFC 2646:
> ] When generating Format=Flowed text, lines SHOULD be shorter than 80
> ] characters. As suggested values, any paragraph longer than 79
> Your nested quoting was also done incorrectly. According to section 4.5
> of RFC 2646 there should be no space between the '>' marks at the start
> of quoted lines.
> --
> Aaron Schrab [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.execpc.com/~aarons/
> ... very sad life. Probably have very sad death but at least there
> is symmetry. -- Zathras
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