On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 04:34:03AM -0500, Aaron Schrab wrote:
> At 23:04 -0400 10 May 2001, adam morley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 12:43:28AM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> > > format=flowed requires a lot more implementation than just adding a
> > > content-type header, iirc.
> I wouldn't really say "a lot more" (at least when not dealing with
> quoted text), but definitely more.
> > well, if i write my messages so they are wrapped like this as you will
> You mean not wrapped.

sorry, ive been talking about this too long with others, it starts to run together in 
my head.

> > see in one second, then it can be classified as a flowed message.  a
> I suppose it *could* be classified as such, but I don't see much point
> in doing so.  The whole point of format=flowed is so that paragraphs
> will wrap in programs that support it, but still be readable with
> programs that don't do wrapping.

well, the whole point is that ppl dont like unwrapped text.  so one solution has been 

any others?

> It also doesn't follow part of RFC 2646:

thats a should clause.  not a must

> ] When generating Format=Flowed text, lines SHOULD be shorter than 80
> ] characters.  As suggested values, any paragraph longer than 79
> Your nested quoting was also done incorrectly.  According to section 4.5
> of RFC 2646 there should be no space between the '>' marks at the start
> of quoted lines.

that, my friend was mutts doing, not mine.  so if someone could explain why/how to 
change that, then thanks!

> -- 
> Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.execpc.com/~aarons/
>  ... very sad life.  Probably have very sad death but at least there
>  is symmetry.      -- Zathras


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