On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 06:58:08PM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 2001-05-10 23:04:34 -0400, adam morley wrote:
> >well, if i write my messages so they are wrapped like this as you 
> >will see in one second, then it can be classified as a flowed 
> >message.  a zero paragraph flowed message.  hence my need to know 
> >how to do such a thing.  would require reformatting other messages 
> >tho.
> text/plain; format=flowed actually forbids overly long lines. 
> Indeed, in a properly formatted text/plain; format=flowed message, 
> no line will be longer than 78 characters when the message is viewed 
> with a viewer which does _not_ support format=flowed.

ah, no line *should* be longer than 78 chras, correct?  its a should, not a must if i 

> The fact that a lines may be flowed is indicated by a space 
> character in the end of a line.

yes, and if i place the entire line as one big long unwrapped line, then i have zero 
paragraphs with each paragraph having at least one space-crlf sequence.  which is 
compliant with the rfc in saying that format flowed is in effect.

the only reason i bring this up is that people have been arguing that with the gnus 
mailer (emacs mailer) an unwrapped line of text is wrapped at the char (as it is 
format=fixed) whereas a flowed message (with the proper options set) is wrapped on 
word boundaries.....

> (Look closely at this message for an example.)
> -- 
> Thomas Roessler                          http://log.does-not-exist.org/


any and all ideas herein are the sole property of the author, with no implied 
warranties or guarantees.  unless its somebody else's already.

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