On 2000-02-15 00:34:28 +0000, Lars Hecking wrote:

>  While this reasoning may be valid, I never liked the new
>  subscribe command. 

Sorry, the new subscribe command is equivalent to what was formerly
known as "lists".  "lists" is essentially a weaker version now which
only affects the list-reply function.

(Partially, the naming is due to the fact that I couldn't think
about a better name than "lists" for known, but unsubscribed lists -
"unsubscribe" would have been against the systematic of the un*

>  I think it's a case where mutt tries to be more clever than the
>  user. It doesn't even work properly in the general case (how to
>  deal with ml's as of yet unknown to the user?). 

Not at all.

>  And, where there not some changes wrt generation of the m-f-t
>  header recently, which may or may not affect teh usefulness of
>  lists/subscribe?

The recent changes affected the interpretation of that header, not
the generation.  More precisely, list-reply now honors


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