I could swear I read on this list not too long ago that the command "subscribe" would replace the "lists" command in the muttrc to define what mailing lists mutt should recognize the user as being subscribed to. I thought this change was going to take place in version 1.0.1, but AFAKCT it hasn't. Is this change still in the works, or has it been abandoned? -- // [EMAIL PROTECTED] //
- Re: "subscribe" vs. "lists" Russell Hoover
- Re: "subscribe" vs. "lists" Thomas Roessler
- Re: "subscribe" vs. "lists" Michael Elkins
- Re: "subscribe" vs. "lists&quo... Mikko Hänninen
- Re: "subscribe" vs. "lists... Michael Elkins
- Re: "subscribe" vs. "... Mikko Hänninen
- Re: "subscribe" vs. "... Thomas Roessler
- Re: "subscribe" vs. "... Lars Hecking
- Re: "subscribe" vs. &q... Thomas Roessler
- Re: "subscribe" vs... Charles Cazabon