On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 1:16 AM, Robert <rob...@openbsd.pap.st> wrote:

> On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 23:20:07 +0200
> Felipe Alfaro Solana <felipe.alf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > And again, I think you mean that running a bridge under OpenBSD is
> > perhaps not the fastest or brightest solution. And I trust you, But
> > again, I have yet to hear a single technical argument on why running,
> > for example, Snort inline on other platforms is a bad idea and makes
> > one stupid.
> (Looks like we aren't out of trollfood, yet. ;)

Are you calling me a troll? :)

> You want an example why it is bad to put sensors inline?
> One word: Downtime.

The same holds true for a firewall. If you have a firewall between your DMZ
and your internal network and it goes down, unless you are using a HA
solution (like one using CARP), then you are screwed anyways.

> If your bridge breakes the network, you can be happy if the insurance
> covers it the first time it happens.
> Contracts and lawyers will get involved and that isn't fun.
> And even if you don't end up having to pay anything, the hair and years
> of life expectancy lost isn't worse it.
> Why risk it, when a tap is so much better?

A tap is not a firewall. You can't use the tap to filter traffic you don't

> (Exeptions proof the rule of sumthin :)
> - Robert


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