On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 23:20:07 +0200 Felipe Alfaro Solana <felipe.alf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And again, I think you mean that running a bridge under OpenBSD is > perhaps not the fastest or brightest solution. And I trust you, But > again, I have yet to hear a single technical argument on why running, > for example, Snort inline on other platforms is a bad idea and makes > one stupid. (Looks like we aren't out of trollfood, yet. ;) You want an example why it is bad to put sensors inline? One word: Downtime. If your bridge breakes the network, you can be happy if the insurance covers it the first time it happens. Contracts and lawyers will get involved and that isn't fun. And even if you don't end up having to pay anything, the hair and years of life expectancy lost isn't worse it. Why risk it, when a tap is so much better? (Exeptions proof the rule of sumthin :) - Robert