On 11-06-20 03:46 PM, tom fogal wrote:
Nathan Kidd<nathan...@spicycrypto.ca>  writes:
On 11-06-20 02:55 PM, tom fogal wrote:
Nathan Kidd<nathan...@spicycrypto.ca>   writes:
You are correct, rendering is indirect!  I was unaware that direct
vs. indirect limited *GL* features.  Why is that the case, and what
can be done?

Of course, for indirect rendering every glFoo() function call needs
to be mapped to (GL)X protocol.  Protocol exists up to OpenGL 1.4.

Ahh, I had mistakenly believed that the GLX wrapping was somehow
generic/automatically specified.  Sounds like each function has to be
specified explicitly?  Presumably by Khronos?  Ouch.

Yes, though I'm not sure any GLX protocol has been agreed on since the older ARB days.

When the gl calls affect state it is harder to automatically generate thecode. (The X server is multiplexing potentially multiple GL clients into the same process and needs to keep switching contexts, etc..)

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