Hi Donna,

1. There's a section in the VoiceOver Getting Started Guide (Chapter 11 on 
Using VoiceOver Gestures) that describes using TrackPad Commander. Use VO-H to 
bring up the help menu and press "g" to go to the "Getting Started Guide" and 
return.  Open the web item rotor with VO-U and press "g e s" to get the two 
relevant sections (Chapter 11 and Appendix A listing the Commands and 
Gestures). If you want the list of standard gestures, go directly to Appendix A 
and navigate to the section on "VoiceOver standard gestures". (I'd use VO-U for 
the web rotor and press "s t".)  A lot of these will be familiar to you from 
using the iPhone, but there are some other ones like going to the dock or menu 
bar (two finger double tap near bottom or top of trackpad), or opening the 
application or window chooser menus (two finger double tap along left or right 
sides of the trackpad), and changing how VoiceOver reads text (word, line, 
sentence, paragraph) by pressing the Command key while your finger touches the 
trackpad, that are different.

2. I don't know of a way to get all the columns in the messages table announced 
at once with TrackPad commander.  

3. I press return to open a message in mail

I'm probably not the best person to answer your questions.  Maybe somebody else 
can give you better answers.  



On Jul 9, 2011, at 07:18, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've finally decided to spend some time messing with the trackpad commander, 
> and have a couple of questions.
> 1.  Is there any way to view a list of commands?  when I go into the assign 
> Commands table I can see the gestures, but none of the commands are displayed.
> 2.  How do I navigate in Mail?  Single-finger flicking takes me out of the 
> messages table unless I interact, and if I interact, VO only reads the column 
> that I'm on.  I'd like to be able to hear all columns like I do when not 
> using the trackpad commander.
> 3.  How do I open a message in mail?  I would have thought you would do this 
> with a double-tap like on the iPhone, but that isn't working.
> Thanks,
> Donna

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