Neal, you have a good point about the duplicate voiceover commands. I haven't 
used JAWS in a while, so things may have changed, but there was a time when 
JAWS did the same, taught special JAWS commands where Windows keyboard commands 
already existed. Your reference to sighted people using keyboard commands with 
a Mac and Windows and you wanting to be on equal footing with them is 
interesting. When somebody gives you a osX keyboard command, why not just try 
it? My experience with most sighted people, except really good keyboardists 
like those I use to work with or programmers who have been around for a while 
is that few know any keyboard commands, and most are totally dependent on the 
mouse and are lost without it. The fact that keyboard alternatives are poorly 
if at all documented in mainstream help whether for MS or Apple or 3rd party 
programs does not help. I have used Windows for a long time, and I have no idea 
what you are talking about when you say you do one finger navigation, unless 
you mean using the up and down arrows to navigate in a document. Get a keyboard 
that has a number pad and use the numpad commander that has been a part of 
voiceover for a while. There is also the keyboard commander and there are those 
built in keyboard commands some of which you can find and document by looking 
in the various menus. 

I agree that one of the areas where Apple's support for voiceover is lacking is 
compared with the documentation that comes with my Windows screen reader. 
Not many programs come with thorough manuals, probably because companies find 
that not enough people read them. For those of us who do prefer the written 
word to hours of podcasts or learning by exploration without an overview and 
examples, well, we're more or less out of luck. But I don't see a difference 
there between MS and Apple either. Indeed, when it comes to access-related 
documentation, Apple has it all over MS these days IMHO.

Mary Otten

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