On 19 Jul 2002 07:54:03 +0300 Oleg Goldshmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My reading is different. Before, no one outside of government could do
> anythign with the results of the research, because there were patents

Only the government? What are you talking about? Look at some of the
examples I gave. Non of them is govenment related.

> but there were no licenses to use them.
Hmm... let's see: Berkley license, MIT/X11 (all from the 80's).

> If you are thinking in Israeli terms, you are right. But most of this
> discussion refers to US, for better or for worse. I don't have the
> numbers, but I am not even sure that more that 50% of US universities
> are public. Most of the best known (and contributing much of the best
> research and best researchers) are in fact private.

Ok, so the word "public" is ambigous. I wasn't talking about university
financing issues (e.g: MIT and CMU are private).
What I refered to was what "drives" the organization:
        Company goals:
                To bring profit to shareholders.
        University (private or public) goals:
                To advance education and science.
But lately, universities (both private and public) has another
                Profit as much as we can from our "IP".

...Ok everybody, don't flame me, quiting from this thread...
'nough is'nough

Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  http://www.actcom.co.il/~oron

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