----- Original Message -----
From: "David Kastrup" <d...@gnu.org>
To: "Phil Holmes" <em...@philholmes.net>
Cc: <lilypond-devel@gnu.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Adds incipit section to NR (issue 108270043 by
"Phil Holmes" <em...@philholmes.net> writes:
----- Original Message -----
From: <d...@gnu.org>
To: <philehol...@googlemail.com>; <tdanielsmu...@googlemail.com>;
<em...@philholmes.net>; <m...@philholmes.net>
Cc: <lilypond-devel@gnu.org>; <re...@codereview-hr.appspotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: Adds incipit section to NR (issue 108270043 by
On 2014/08/12 13:58:44, mail_philholmes.net wrote:
The problem is the other way round. incipit-width is not scaled
within the layout block, and so produces correct results for width.
I am not convinced that the results are "correct" when they are not
scaled the same as every other measure including "\mm". Have you tried
my proposal?
I repeat: have you tried my proposal of treating incipit-width exactly
the same as short-indent in scm/paper.scm?
Your example shows that short-indent (and indent and others) are scaled
inside of the markup \layout block while incipit-width isn't. This
discrepancy causes the problem.
Have you tried my proposal of treating incipit-width exactly the same as
short-indent in scm/paper.scm?
Please modify scm/paper.scm accordingly and try again.
I've not tried, because I don't need to. I've done considerable work with
print-outs and a ruler, and was able to confirm that, unless line-width is
scaled as I propose, then the actual width of the incipit, including the
instrument name, is too narrow, by the factor quoted. This is obscured to
some extent by setting the instrument name right-aligned, but if you align
it left, it shows it in the wrong place.
See the attached images. The first is created with a left-aligned
instrument and scaling applied to indent to get line-width. You will note
that the instrument name is aligned to the left of the page, as it should
be. The 2 bars are 3 cm and 8 cm wide, which is what was set in the layout
block of the parent score, demonstrating correct alignment. The second is
shown with line-width unscaled. You'll see that the instrument name is too
far right: this is because line-width is too short. So it's clear that the
problem is _not_ that we need to change incipit-width to scale this down (as
indent and short-indent are) but to rescale indent back up to be the right
I have spent a long time checking this. If you can come up with a better
system that makes indent within the layout block the size it was originally,
then fine. Otherwise, please stop arguing that the wrong variable is being
Phil Holmes
lilypond-devel mailing list