On 2014/08/12 13:58:44, mail_philholmes.net wrote:

The problem is the other way round.  incipit-width is not scaled
within the
layout block, and so produces correct results for width.

I am not convinced that the results are "correct" when they are not
scaled the same as every other measure including "\mm".  Have you tried
my proposal?

indent and
short-indent are scaled, and so produce widths that are too small for
desired output.  Attached is a sample file that illustrates the

No attachment here.

it is a potential solution: using

scale-factor = #( / 1.0 (module-ref (current-module) 'mm) )

That would seem to be a satisfactory way of avoiding problems should
the way
scaling is done change in future?

I am skeptical.  The main problem I see is that when inheriting a
grob-layout as the start of a \layout block, then 3 will not be the same
as 3\mm.  We probably need a way to get at the unscaled layout, then
scale afterwards.  I would not want to _calculate_ the unscaled layout
since that buys us a buildup of numerical errors.


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