Am 03.05.2014 18:37, schrieb tisimst:
Once "font.scm" is replaced with the updated one, the following should work
in place of the usual way of changing entire document fonts
\paper {
#(define fonts
"cadence" ; this is for the notation font
"gonville" ; this is for the brace font
"Century Schoolbook L"
(/ staff-space pt 20)))
Here's a sample of what this can do (using LilyPond 2.18.2):
I tried this:
- replacing font.scm
- downloading Gonville and
extracting the files beside the emmentaler files
- running the example (with "gonville" twice, as I
don't have Cadence yet)
On my machine it gives the attached result, and the text of the tagline
is tiny too. This is on a patched 2.18 as well as on a patched 2.19.4.
Any idea what this means?
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