On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Urs Liska [via Lilypond] 
<ml-node+s1069038n162195...@n5.nabble.com> wrote:
> Now I've got it. 
> What I copied from your mail was 
> (/ staff-space pt 20) 
> The correct form is 
> (/ staff-size 20) 
> but I don't really know yet how to fit that all in. 
> At least I can now compile the example correctly. 
> Do you have a version of your Cadence font(s) available for testing 
> (sorry if I miss that in one of your emails)? 
> Best 
> Urs 
No, you didn't miss it. And I think I may have confused you again. This 
is what I put in my scores:

\paper {
  #(define fonts
    "gonville" ; notation font
    "emmentaler" ; brace font
    "Century Schoolbook L"
    (/ staff-height pt 20)))

and it works for me every time. For now, I have the following working 
quite well for notation fonts:

- emmentaler
- gonville
- cadence
- parnassus
- bravura

All are limited to the full glyph set that LilyPond already recognizes. 
For the brace font, I haven't even attempted to create my own since I 
like the emmentaler ones, but gonville also works fine. I've also 
created a basic font sample sheet that resembles one I saw on someone 
else's website. It doesn't cover everything, just the most common 
glyphs, for now. 

Here's a recent build of Cadence. Just unzip and put in the "otf" 
folder. I'm also attaching a font sample sheet for each of the above 
fonts. Let me know what you think.


font-test-sheet-Gonville.pdf (150K) 
font-test-sheet-Emmentaler.pdf (78K) 
font-test-sheet-Bravura-0.9.pdf (93K) 
cadence.zip (533K) 
font-test-sheet-Cadence.pdf (219K) 
font-test-sheet-Parnassus.pdf (79K) 

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