Urs Liska wrote
> I tried this:
> - replacing font.scm
> - downloading Gonville and
>    extracting the files beside the emmentaler files
> - running the example (with "gonville" twice, as I
>    don't have Cadence yet)
> On my machine it gives the attached result, and the text of the tagline 
> is tiny too. This is on a patched 2.18 as well as on a patched 2.19.4.
> Any idea what this means?


Off the top of my head, no (sigh). But I do have a few questions...

1. What OS are you using?
2. Did you use the font.scm file I posted, or did you tweak it yourself?
3. Will you provide a .ly file that I can try that's not working for you?
4. Were there any warnings/errors/unusual log information printed during

I'm sorry to hear it didn't work for you as easily as I'd hoped. I confess
that I am thoroughly enjoying being able to create stylesheets and use other
fonts at-will. I've made  Parnassus <http://www.resonata.be/archives/117>  
LilyPond-compatible and I'm almost done with Bravura-0.9. I'm finding that I
mostly only need to do some basic glyph repositioning, but nothing
complicated or time consuming. 

I've tried this on Linux and Windows and they give the same results for me.
Can't say I know what will happen on a Mac since I'm not sure how it deals
with fonts (and I don't have access to a Mac, for that matter...). There
certainly may be limitations here that I just won't know about yet until
more people try it and give me feedback. So, thanks for the feedback! It can
seem like I live in this little world of paradise, ignorantly thinking that
it will work smoothly for others, too.

One thing I've learned (though I doubt it's the culprit to your issue) is
that if I want to engrave at a reduced the staff-size, I need to set that
/before/ setting the document fonts, like the following, or it won't resize

#(set-global-staff-size 15)

\paper {
  #(define fonts
      ... )

Let me know what you find out.


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