On 24/04/14 08:13, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
The round edges, which can be clearly seen, are not only affecting
the clef outline but *every intersection* of lines, including bar
I agree when I look at the picture, but I wonder what's the cause -
can you enlighten me?  IIUC you argue that the reason for the rounds
is that the metal punches for noteheads etc cannot be cut out with
100% sharp inner corners.  Makes sense.
While it makes sense, this is not intended by the punchcutters, I
reckon.  We are going to imitate an unwanted effect...

[...]  So, all I can think of as causes for the general rounding are
dust on the engraving plate, artifacts from polishing the plate
before printing, or random feathering of ink.  But all those must
affect both inner and outer angles?
The round outer edges is something that pleases my eye, while I don't
see this for the inner edges.  Otherwise people would have pointed to
this problem earlier, and maybe other music fonts would have
implemented this – which isn't the case, as far as I know.

I guess that interaction between ink and paper is causing the smooth
roundings.  With today's laser printers, there is no ink anymore.

Printers call it 'bleed', or it is sometimes known/conflated with 'capillary action' http://printwiki.org/Capillary_Action.

It's actually an *undesired* artefact of printing (at least from the printer's point of view) and from my own experience was put down to shoddy printing techniques, inappropriate paper, aging inks that are not as viscous as they ought to be, poor roller pressure etc. and I guess depending if it is intaglio or lithographic or good old fashioned letterpress could be down to wear and tear of the plates being used over and over.

I guess it's like those fonts that look like they are 'worn out'..

i.e. http://www.fontspace.com/category/worn

Personally I just think it looks like bad printing and has nothing whatsoever to do with 'hand engraving' techniques - I cannot comment on how music engravers make their plates and I would assume that banging punches onto already engraved lines (the staff) might add some artifacts where the punch breaks and cross the already-engraved lines, but I'd be surprised.


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