Werner LEMBERG wrote
> Especially this example
> http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/attachment/161770/2/barenreiter-examples.png
> shows very well that what you want to achieve is not related to the
> font itself: It's definitely one level `later', so to say: The round
> edges, which can be clearly seen, are not only affecting the clef
> outline but *every intersection* of lines, including bar lines!
> In other words, what you need is a postprocessor that walks over the
> whole lilypond output and changes every intersection to have rounded
> edges.  For example, you need to emulate that effect also for slurs
> that cross staff lines.
> Unfortunately, I haven't found something in the internet (probably not
> knowing the proper keywords to search for).  Here you can see a `path
> smoother' in action:
>   http://pyx.sourceforge.net/examples/drawing2/smoothed.html
> And exactly this operation should be applied to all edges (and near
> edges) in the image.


You are exactly right about the intersections. I (and maybe only I) really
like the look of it. That would be a very interesting plugin! It's not
really something I was going to tackle (yet) because of the post-processing
challenge on the postscript level (at least for me). I'm sure someone could
figure it out more quickly than me.


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