tisimst writes:

> Your skepticism is not uncommon. See the collages I've attached that
> exemplify what I'm talking about. Some are from Barenreiter (even from
> the LilyPond essay), some from Breitkopf, some from Edition
> Peters.
Thanks.  It seems that you're spot-on with respect to the eight rest
inner corner!  However, it seems to me that the added roundings in the
G-clef are overdone?

> What I love about them is the eye doesn't really notice them when they
> are there, but I would argue that the eye DEFINITELY notices when they
> are NOT there, like with any of the major notation fonts today.

Yes, I agree.  We took quite some care to add roundings, apparently we
missed some.  It is debatable whether the roundings on the G-clef should
be added to the font, though.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond http://lilypond.org
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