Am 09.05.2014 07:43, schrieb tisimst:
On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Urs Liska [via Lilypond]
<> wrote:
Now I've got it.
What I copied from your mail was

(/ staff-space pt 20)

The correct form is
(/ staff-size 20)

but I don't really know yet how to fit that all in.
At least I can now compile the example correctly.

Do you have a version of your Cadence font(s) available for testing
(sorry if I miss that in one of your emails)?


No, you didn't miss it. And I think I may have confused you again. This
is what I put in my scores:

\paper {
   #(define fonts
     "gonville" ; notation font
     "emmentaler" ; brace font
     "Century Schoolbook L"
     (/ staff-height pt 20)))

and it works for me every time.

Now it works for me too. I was confused because I mixed up the new and the old syntax for that. In your original mail you had used staff-space instead of staff-height, which explains why the notes were around 1/4 of their intended size. I still don't understand what the "pt" is and is doing here (I thought "/" had _two_ arguments ...), but in any case the "20" represents the relation to the default staff size, and changing that number will change the size of the fonts relatively to the staff size.

Now that this works I will try to look into the code and see if I can extrapolate a dedicated function to _only_ set the music fonts, so we could leave the make-pango-font-tree alone. This would have the added benefit that we could set this up as a "snippet" and make it available even if it wouldn't make its way into LilyPond proper.

For now, I have the following working
quite well for notation fonts:

- emmentaler
- gonville
- cadence
- parnassus
- bravura

All are limited to the full glyph set that LilyPond already recognizes.
For the brace font, I haven't even attempted to create my own since I
like the emmentaler ones, but gonville also works fine. I've also
created a basic font sample sheet that resembles one I saw on someone
else's website. It doesn't cover everything, just the most common
glyphs, for now.

Here's a recent build of Cadence. Just unzip and put in the "otf"
folder. I'm also attaching a font sample sheet for each of the above
fonts. Let me know what you think.

It simply worked! Great!
Could you also send (me) your version of Bravura?
I have typeset a comparison of a Haydn concerto cadenza (haha, pun intended) with Emmentaler, Cadence and Gonville, and having Bravura also would make a nice complement.



font-test-sheet-Gonville.pdf (150K) 
font-test-sheet-Emmentaler.pdf (78K) 
font-test-sheet-Bravura-0.9.pdf (93K) 
<> (533K) 
font-test-sheet-Cadence.pdf (219K) 
font-test-sheet-Parnassus.pdf (79K) 

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