12.12.2014 u 12:45, Stanislav Horáček je napisao/la:
This workflow means that everyone is forced to work on master -
otherwise it is needed to translate the same strings again and again
in branches which makes no sense.
And that's why I am confused - because we were assured that it will be
possible to choose between working on master and working on branches.
In my head is like this:
- Master is updated every day in pootle, but only source strings. If you
translate something, it will stick, but only if dev doesn't change
source string again (which is possible since it's work in progress).
- When 6 months passes, everything is moved to "stable" branch,
including translations.
This is where is gets tricky. How do you transfer translations between
master and stable?
What if I updated some translations only in stable? Do they get
backported to master?
Anyway, as long as they don't delete my translations in stable, I don't
have anything against master branch, but I will probably not use it.
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