Sgrìobh Christian Lohmaier na leanas 12/12/2014 aig 20:42:
And all those *##* who keep ranting about the changing caps and
similar: It has been made pretty clear already that any such change
would be handled automatically with no need for retranslating. Shut
the f* up/write your stuff in other threads if you don't want to
participate in the current topic.
Errr... please calm down? Given that this seems to have grown out of the issue around precisely that, you can't blame people for thinking these are connected. I am certainly one of those who participated in the original complaint about the way those were handled and as best as I can tell, this seemed to be (Sophie's) propsed solution. Suddently it isn't. So fine, maybe this is just a topic that coincides with that other debate and has nothing at all to do with the solution to the nonsense around cosmetic changes to en-US but that *certainly* did not come across clearly in that case.
In other words: If you don't want to use master: Don't use master.
Changes you do on master will be overridden when you request copying
from 4-4. So either do any merges yourself, or don't complain
How are we going to clearly explain this to all the translators on Pootle within the Pootle interface because not all of them are on this list? Never mind the issue of how many of them understand this discussion.


*Akerbeltz <>*
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