Dne 12.12.2014 v 11:54 Olivier Hallot napsal(a):
On 12/12/2014 08:18, Sérgio Marques wrote:
Sorry, I don't get it. Now: 4.4 was created and translations from 4.3
appeared there.
Future: Which translations will appear in 4.5 when it is created - from
4.4 or from master? Translations of the same strings can differ between
Yes me too. Shopie´s explanation make it even more difficult to understand
the procedure.
Since I do my own compilation, for me it will mean that all strings will
be updated periodically in pootle under the "master" branch. So I will
get the updates once in a day/week/month, for example.
The number of strings on a monthly basis are expected to be lower than
on updated once in a half-year for a major release.
Those who will translate the master branch can check the results with
the nighly builds.
when it comes to branch for a new release, a snapshot of the master
translation will be taken and named release X.Y. Then all translation of
the release follows. Like with developers, a fix in a translation on a
branch shall be fixed also in master branch.
This workflow means that everyone is forced to work on master -
otherwise it is needed to translate the same strings again and again in
branches which makes no sense.
And that's why I am confused - because we were assured that it will be
possible to choose between working on master and working on branches.
This scheme does not means we will get less work, it means we will get
more time to translate a big, hopefully incremental, chuck of new strings.
Keeping master updated always means more work and it is the reason why I
think that each team should decide if they want to use master or not.
Best regards,
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