Then what on earth do we gain by this 'new' approach? Is the idea that
some very active locales like German will spot problems on master fast
and maybe raise the issue before it hits stable strings?
Sgrìobh Mihovil Stanic na leanas 12/12/2014 aig 11:58:
12.12.2014 u 12:53, Michael Bauer je napisao/la:
- minimize retranslation work by not presenting localizer with
hundreds of retranslations when the English source goes from a
formatted something to an unformatted something or back again?
No. But you will see it before anyone else. :)
- present the localizers with stable strings i.e. strings which are
likely in their final form for use in the UI?
No, quite oposite. More unstable strings since master is "work is
progress" branch, lots of changes.
*Akerbeltz <>*
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