True but what gets my goat is that many of these are *totally* arbitrary. Case in point, sentence case vs title case. Unfortunately this debate comes at a time when Microsoft has gone *exactly* 180° the other way (going forward) compared to LibreOffice. So that makes it arbitrary.

That's even without considering the fact that Nagari, CJK and so on don't even have case...

If Gaelic has to implement a change in convention then I implement that without affecting 100 locales. Would be nice if the source for projects like LO worked the same way because whether English uses formatted or unformatted quotes or sentence vs title case does not affect how the other 100 locales localizer. That's not disregard for conventions. It's disregard to the time I donate as a localizer.


Sgrìobh Khaled Hosny na leanas 13/12/2014 aig 00:22:
As a localiser, I find it worrying that “localisers” think that using
correct capitalisation or punctuation marks “nonsense cosmetics”, really
scary. I can understand people being annoying about changes in source
that does not affect the final translation, but the apparent total
disregard of those “cosmetics” (they are not) is not something I except
from people whose job is to adapt software interface to the proper rules
and costumes of there languages and should generally know better.


*Akerbeltz <>*
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