2014-12-11 19:28 GMT+00:00 Stanislav Horáček <stanislav.hora...@gmail.com>:
> Dne 11.12.2014 v 18:44 Sophie napsal(a):
>> Le 11/12/2014 18:01, Stanislav Horáček a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>>  So Cloph will create a master project for all the languages. You can
>>>> choose where you want to translate, on master or on the next branch
>>>> (4.5.0) when it will be created. Let see if it is better or not in our
>>>> project :)
>>> the new workflow is a bit unclear for me. If I work only in branches,
>>> let's say in 4.5, does it mean that
>>> - changes from 4.5 branch will be ported back to master (if so, when?),
>>> or
>>> - changes in 4.5 branch will not affect the next 4.6 branch?
>> It will be exactly as it is now for the work on 4.4, the template will
>> be updated in 4.6 branch between beta1 and RC1. 4.5 and 4.6 branches
>> will be maintained independently, just like now for 4.3 and 4.4.
> Sorry, I don't get it. Now: 4.4 was created and translations from 4.3
> appeared there.
> Future: Which translations will appear in 4.5 when it is created - from
> 4.4 or from master? Translations of the same strings can differ between
> them.

Yes me too. Shopie´s explanation make it even more difficult to understand
the procedure.

>  Btw, it's a bit ironic that the new workflow is introduced just after
>>> conversion to .ui format is finally completed which should result in a
>>> substantially lower translation workload for 4.5:)) I would tend to
>>> continue with working on branches because master will bring only more
>>> (wasted) work...
>> Did you suggest the idea then ;) I didn't have it either :)
> I was absolutely happy with working on branches, this was not complaint,
> just a side note:))
>  P. S.: Any news about Amagama update? It would be extremely handy for
>>> current help translation.
>> Unfortunately Dwayne was traveling. I'll ping him again tomorrow. And
>> yes, it would make a lot of people happy.
>> Cheers
>> Sophie
> OK, thanks!
> Stanislav
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