Hi Dashamir,
2012.09.14 22:52, Dashamir Hoxha rašė:
I am not trying to cut out of the loop Pootle, I am trying to cut out of
the loop the manual work. There are so many PO files that it is impossible
to upload all of them manually as frequently as I would like.
I would prefer to do the merge offline, on the desktop, using tools like
Lokalize, which are wonderful for merging PO files. Then I would like
to upload the merged PO files automatically.
Probably some curl script can do the job. I will have to try it.
AFAIK, you should be able to zip the files back together and upload them
all at once.
Another question:
Once I have downloaded all the PO files (which can be done easily)
how can I apply them so that I can check the translations in the context?
For example, for some other (gnome) application I can convert PO files to MO
files, put them to a special location (directory), and restart the application.
However I am not sure whether this works with LibreOffice PO files as well.
Can somebody help with this?
Not possible. Or rather not that easily possible. LibreOffice does not
use gettext internally. Those .po files are converted to proper format
at compile time. Andras (yes, him again) should be able to tell you the
details, if you're interested. I don't know anything about them.
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