2012.09.14 12:59, Dashamir Hoxha rašė:
Thanks Rimas,
I have already updated the wiki page:
I think that the problem with the catcha was that it was not displayed at all.
A git system for synchronizing PO files would indeed be very useful.
However it seems that the url that you mentioned does not work.
If I can make a suggestion, why not to use GitHub? It is free for the
GPL projects.
The link does work, just takes a looong time to load. I don't know why
that happens, maybe Andras would have an insight.
Re GitHub: all LibO's repositories are hosted by freedesktop, so I'm not
sure it would make sense to have one of them elsewhere (although it's
not like you can't clone it yourself). And it's not my call to make anyway.
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