2012.09.13 19:51, Michael Bauer rašė:
In general, I think it would be useful if we could do some sort of an automated signed up which takes users through the signup for Pootle and as an integral part, a signup for the l10n list and perhaps the tiniest of one-page tutorials. There seems to be a large number of people who sign up who never actually do anything or sign up to the list and I suspect we're loosing talent that way. I know it says on the page what you should do but especially the bit about the mailing list is not good, as it points toward the mail-to address but not the signup page and I really think it would be good if translators were automatically signed up - at least for the digest.

Hi Michael,

I'm not sure how easy it is to hook automatic subscriptions to the registration form, but improving the welcome text is certainly an easy thing to do. I have just changed the link to point to mailto:l10n+subscr...@global.libreoffice.org, but if you have other suggestions for improvement, you're welcome to give them. There is a small problem associated with that text that is good to keep in mind though: it must be limited to 1024 characters. :)


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