Hi Christian,
2012.09.14 13:38, Christian Lohmaier rašė:
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Rimas Kudelis <r...@akl.lt> wrote:
2012.09.14 12:59, Dashamir Hoxha rašė:
I have already updated the wiki page:
I think that the problem with the catcha was that it was not displayed at
Captcha is not displayed in some browsers, because the certificate for
the captcha-provider is issues by Microsoft, and not all browsers have
that in their list of trustworthy certificate authorities.
Oh I see... Thanks for the info!
A git system for synchronizing PO files would indeed be very useful.
However it seems that the url that you mentioned does not work.
If I can make a suggestion, why not to use GitHub? It is free for the
GPL projects.
The link does work, just takes a looong time to load. I don't know why that
happens, maybe Andras would have an insight.
Not sure what link you're talking about, but I just assume it is the
zip-export functionality in pootle.
No, we were talking about
http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/translations/ .
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