Hi guys,
     This current discussion of fuel tank location vs. CG vs. safety factors 
has many smaller decisions that are made based on knowlege and risk tolorance. 
The only idea I would like to weigh in on is the header tank vs. CG on the KR2s 
specifically. N357CJ has a 12 gal header tank behind the panel, in the cockpit. 
This is an acceptable risk for me vs. fuel pumps vs. gravity feed. I choose 
gravity feed as gravity never quits. I have had a fuel pump quit. N357 also has 
about 7 gal in each stub wing and is transferred to the header tank by a single 
fuel pump under the seat. It has the new wing profile.
  The proceedure assuming  full tanks all around is take off climb to cruise 
and trim to cruise speed.  the fuel is burned to half full header tank which is 
usually about 1hr 15 min flying at cruise. This is just when the trim starts to 
be noticeable for retrimming.  the fuel pump is turned on and it takes about 20 
min. to refill the header tank. The trim if I did not do any retrim is back to 
set. The nose up at half header of the out of trim condition is very slight to 
the feel and the auto pilot does not usually indicate out of trim condition 
either. Turn off pump and fly for another 1hr 15min and repeat a second time. 
The stub wing tanks are usually empty or very near at that point. I really do 
not have to retrim at that time either or if I do it is ever so little. As the 
fuel continues to burn to 3/4 header and then 1/2  header tank levels I do 
slight trim adjustments. If short flights are being taken with the header tank 
only of fuel it just does not burn off enough that quickly to have trim be a 
problem let alone affect CG that is proper to begin with. I have to assume that 
folks are worried about an uncontroled stall for the sake of this discussion 
   The whole point of the description is the 2s does not exibit the adverse cg 
affects that the history of the KR 2 seems to have engrained into all 
conversations. Now if you are tlaking about a header in a KR2 I retract all 
As always your results may vary
Joe horton
N357CJ over 1000 hrs
Dr  Dean's plane 60% completed

----- Original Message -----
From: "KRnet" <krnet@list.krnet.org>
To: "KRnet" <krnet@list.krnet.org>

Subject: Re: KR> Wing tanks

Hi Michael,
I made the wing leadingedge fuel tanks. I works good. My shift in the weight 
and balance is not noticible thats great. It is a lot off work to make them, 
but it is (I think) beter than the fueltank behind the firewall.

For the building of my fueltanks see.

For the intallation we didn`t drill into the spar but worked with a strap 
around it.

Good Luck with your decission.

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