Messages by Thread
[REVISED VOTE]: Xerces-J 2.12.0 release
Mukul Gandhi
[VOTE]: Xerces-J 2.12.0 Release
Mukul Gandhi
FINAL REMINDER: CFP for Apache EU Roadshow Closes 25th February
Sharan F
Save the date: ApacheCon North America, September 24-27 in Montréal
Rich Bowen
How to programmatically disable the TOTAL_ENTITY_SIZE_LIMIT limit?
Behrang Saeedzadeh
Any Xerces-J 2.12.0 release date to address CVE-2012-0881?
Yves Geissbühler
Xerces-J 2.* On JDK 9
Mark Raynsford
Submitting security-related bugs
Kummer, Olaf
Last chance: ApacheCon is just three weeks away
Rich Bowen
XInclude and included xml's unparsed entity declaration
Rimma N
FINAL REMINDER: CFP for ApacheCon closes February 11th
Rich Bowen
Grammar caching with multiple schemas for the same target namespace
Patrik Stellmann
ApacheCon CFP closing soon (11 February)
Rich Bowen
Missing namespace for attribute defaults from SAXParser
Patrik Stellmann
Save the date: ApacheCon Miami, May 15-19, 2017
Rich Bowen
ApacheCon is now less than a month away!
Rich Bowen
testing membership
Mukul Gandhi
ApacheCon Seville CFP closes September 9th
Rich Bowen
joined XercesJ lists once again
Mukul Gandhi
Parser does not look thread safe on heavy load
Kasi, VisweswaraRao
Parser does not looks thread safe.
ApacheCon: Getting the word out internally
Melissa Warnkin
XML schema 1.1
GRATZ Patrick (OP-EXT)
Interaction between redefine+include breaks augmenting a base schema's element with new attributes
David Costanzo
[ANN] Call for Late-Breaking News - Balisage 2016
Tommie Usdin
Re: org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XMLSchemaValidator$ValueStoreBase.contains() takes way too much time
Michael Glavassevich
Problem with lax validation
Jamie Peabody
Re: Xerces2.4-source code
Michael Glavassevich
ApacheCon NA 2016 - Important Dates!!!
Melissa Warnkin
Query on how to create a XML skeleton based on DTD
Dominic Prabhu
[ANNOUNCE] CFP open for ApacheCon North America 2016
Rich Bowen
XSD <assert> parsing and converting to JavaScript
Xerces and security vulnerabilities
Peter Major
xercesImpl-xsd11-2.12-beta-r1667115 compatible with IBM WAS
Xerces XML Schema conformance suite runner
James Moughan
Help needed for CatalogManager
Repeated parsing of invalid XSD
stepasite .
Xerces2 Java Parser 2.9.0
Papaiakos, Nikos (Nokia - GR/Athens)
web app for XSD 1.1 and 1.0 validations
Mukul Gandhi
Cannot create a Schema object for an XSD file with the targetNamespace attribute set on an element
Julian Cromarty
Schema validation error in 2.11.0
Jim Ma
Possible Bug
Cayanan, Michael D (398G)
Xerces constantly causing class loading at run time
Eric Urban
Entity expansion limits
Peter Major
StAX Events - registered by default?
Bernd Eckenfels
Hello and XXE
Jim Manico
Safe usage of SchemaDVFactory ?
Stian Soiland-Reyes
Feature "" is not supported
Matt Freake
losing annotations when using XMLGrammarPreparser with DOMInputSource
Nikolai Grigoriev
XMLCatalog: rewriteSystem doesn't work
adoptNode and namespace prefix declarations
Eric J. Schwarzenbach
Xml indentation parsing
Youssef Khaye
Using ProGuard with Xerces
Viktor Brešan
Limit length of tag name, attribute name or attribute value
Erlend Oftedal
assert validation error
Timothy W. Cook
Is a 2.12 in the future?
Cantor, Scott
Problem writing UTF-8 XML with an Umlaut
Johnson, Wayne
FW: Jar for openjdk.
Gauraw Singh
SAX Parser includes ignorable whitespaces in the character() method
Zhu, Joe
Problem with surrogate characters
Ilya Sokolov
Delay during parsing
John Jones
XSD assertion with xsi types
Adding XSD 1.1 assertions to a complex type
XSD 1.1 assertions
sri shan
ApacheCon CFP closes June 25
Michael Glavassevich
Fw: Travel assistance for ApacheCon EU, Budapest November 17-21 2014
Michael Glavassevich
[ANN] "HTML5 and XML: Mending Fences" program posted
Tommie Usdin
Retrieving all assertions made
Vinícius Lopes
Support of assertions in Xerces 2.11.0 (beta)
Vinícius Lopes
Support of schema 1.1
Vinícius Lopes
Class XMLSchema11Factory not found
Xavi Arias Seguí
contention during XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader
Andrew Welch