It’s necessary to get my employer on file even if I’m not doing it on company 
time? Also, in my case, I both have an employer and am self-employed (side 
job). How does that work?


> On Jan 15, 2018, at 4:39 PM, Cantor, Scott <> wrote:
> On 1/14/18, 10:30 PM, "Will Herrmann" <> wrote:
>> I’m interested in becoming a committer, although admittedly, I’m only 
>> interested in building a new release that fixes
>> this bug (which was previously stated to already be in the code). What do I 
>> need to do to make that happen?
> Probably the biggie is getting an Apache CLA on file, which would involve 
> your employer in a lot of cases if you're not self-employed.
> -- Scott
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