Hi, I'm new to this mail list, hope to get a clarification. I'm combining/merging 2 (for now) XML files with xinclude. Embedded XML has doctype with unparsed entity. I'm using xercesImpl 2.11.0 I've set SAX parser's setXIncludeAware, XML reader's feature "http://xml.org/sax/features/allow-dtd-events-after-endDTD", "http://apache.org/xml/features/xinclude" to true and registered DTDHandler, EntityResolver2 to XML reader instance. Unfortunately, dtdHandler doesn't receive unparsedEntityDecl event from included xml's doctype. I've debugged XIncludeHandler, in the handleIncludeElement it doesn't pass parent's (main XML) DTDHanler to fChildConfig. May be I'm doing something wrong. Could you please let me know whether it is possible to propagate unparsedEntityDecl and notationDecl events from child's (included) XML? Thanks,Rimma
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