> Snarfblat wrote:
> > On a
> > somewhat similiar tangent, are very many of you religious?
> > In my
> > experience, organized religion is a very patriarchial and constrictive
> > environment, which I would imagine, would put off most people here.
> > Is
> > there a near mutual exclusion between open minded women (or men) and the
> > church?
Organized does not always mean Christian.
I'm Wiccan; it's somewhat organized, legally recognized, and varies from
quite traditional to quite liberal. It's not patriarchal at all, though;
sometimes gender-balanced, sometimes tending more toward women. It's also
not constrictive. In general it encouarges learning about other things,
understanding the world, looking at new information with an open mind,
and supporting people as they grow and learn. The focus is primarily
on the positive; being happy and helping others be happy. There is no
such thing as Hell or Heaven; some varieties have a concept of a
summer-land where souls rest between incarnations.
As far as specific to Christianity... there's more of a correlation
between "loud" and "close minded" than between that and the church...
Meaning... it's the loud people who are insistent about their views
that you hear. The people who are open minded or more relaxed or
whatever often don't speak up as much, so you just don't notice that
they are there. At least, until you go looking; the Unitarian
Universalists are a good place to look for open minded people. It
focuses more on studying religion and humanity than on preaching it.
Skywind - Jenny Brown - http://www.imsa.edu/~jgable/
Friendly spiritual psychic bisexual polyamorous wiccan
photographer computer programmer country girl musician
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