Snarfblat wrote:
> On a
> somewhat similiar tangent, are very many of you religious? 


> In my
> experience, organized religion is a very patriarchial and constrictive
> environment, which I would imagine, would put off most people here.  

I'm not a member of an organised religion.

> Is
> there a near mutual exclusion between open minded women (or men) and the
> church?

In a statistical universe of one (me), yes.....
> i personally have a rather ill view of common christian religion; the
> power struggle and opression that I see there annoys me to no end.

Religion != Christianity. I'm not christian. I am religious.

Jenn V.
  "We're repairing the coolant loop of a nuclear fusion reactor. 
   This is women's work!"
                Helix, Freefall.

Jenn Vesperman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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