Caitlyn Martin wrote:
> Guys tend to find my feminist views extreme, with the exception of a few
> open minded ones like my current beau.  I don't think asking for such
> things as equal treatment at work, equal pay for my work, respect for my
> views, knowledge, and experience,  and not being condescended to or
> treated like the "little lady: is extreme, and that really is the core
> of it, isn't it?
> Oh, and I have this radical idea that men have no right to tell a woman
> what to do with her own body.  No man will ever carry a child for nine
> months and know what that means, so they should not have the right to
> dictate to a woman that she must.  Yes, I am very ardently pro-choice.
> Radical?  Maybe.  I guess the idea that I don't need to be this
> obedient, submissive little creature is radical to some of the more
> patriarchal elements in our society.  If so, I'll wear that label
> proudly.

it is sad when an open minded perspective is considered extreme.  On a
somewhat similiar tangent, are very many of you religious?  In my
experience, organized religion is a very patriarchial and constrictive
environment, which I would imagine, would put off most people here.  Is
there a near mutual exclusion between open minded women (or men) and the

i personally have a rather ill view of common christian religion; the
power struggle and opression that I see there annoys me to no end.  

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