> Have any of you ever felt excluded or neglected in tech
> classes because of your gender?
(little behind responding ...)
More often, I feel the implication that I need more help because
of my gender. In a class full of guys, the instructor will hover
over me and my friend Monica asking "Are you ladies all right?
Let me show you how to ... <insert something we already did>."
In such classes, I feel awkward asking questions because I
get the looks like "Oh, of course -you- don't get it..."
Just as bad are those instructors that will express amazement
that Monica and/or I do something right. E.g.; we were doing
a Novell install in class and Monica figured out how to get
over an obstacle her group was experiencing. The instructor
laughed and said "Well, guess we should leave this game to
the ladies, eh?" Screw you buddy! She figured out the problem
because she has a brain (and knows DOS better than most of
the rest of us). Don't treat me as if I'm handicapped because I
have a vagina ... and don't embellish my accomplishments for the
same reason either ... just treat me as an equal!
- Mary; feeling like an extremist feminist sometimes.
"The dream dreams the dreamer"
- Talaxian proverb
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