dont know if anyone else has read terry pratchets "Small Gods" but the one of the things said in the book rings true for me namely that organisation of a 'religion' tends to kill the escense (sp?) of it. ( it is a comedic fantasy tho ) things said in jest etc. Sean -- -------- "Real Programmers dont work 9 to 5. If a Real Programmer is in at 9 in the morning, its because they haven't left from the night before." -------- Sean Garrett Crow Data (PTY) LTD DarkFlame ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Re: [issues] Re; YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks A... Jenn V.
- Re: [issues] Re; YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks A... Caitlyn Martin
- Re: [issues] Re; YAFGA (Yet Another Female Ge... Jeramia Ory
- Re: [issues] Re; YAFGA (Yet Another Femal... Kirrily 'Skud' Robert
- Re: [issues] Re; YAFGA (Yet Another Female Ge... Snarfblat
- Re: [issues] Re; YAFGA (Yet Another Femal... Jeramia Ory
- Re: [issues] Re; YAFGA (Yet Another Femal... Caitlyn Martin
- Re: [issues] Re; YAFGA (Yet Another Femal... Claudine Chionh
- [issues] Religion (was: YAFGA (Yet Anothe... Jenn V.
- Re: [issues] Religion (was: YAFGA (Ye... Jenny Brown (was Gable)
- Re: [issues] Religion (was: YAFGA... Sean Garrett (MBD)
- Re: [issues] Religion (was: YAFGA... Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [issues] Religion (was: ... Bad Mojo
- Re: [issues] Religion (w... Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [issues] Religion (w... TeknoDragon
- Re: [issues] Religion (w... Kelly Lynn Martin
- [issues] Religion (and g... TeknoDragon
- Re: [issues] Religion (w... Deirdre Saoirse
- Re: [issues] Religion (w... Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [issues] Religion (w... Deirdre Saoirse
- Re: [issues] Religion (was: YAFGA... TeknoDragon