I can't say I dislike non-platonic relationships, but I've definitely gone
though extended (1 year+) periods of consciously avoiding them to
concentrate on other areas of my life.  Non-platonic relationships can
require a lot of time and emotional energy, so it can be a very good thing
to choose not to pursue one in favor of pursuing something else - if you're
really happy with your priorities, at least.

|-----Original Message-----
|Behalf Of Snarfblat
|Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 7:12 PM
|Subject: Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article)
|does anyone dislike the idea of non platonic relationships in general?
|Anyone choose not to date and and such, using your time concentrate on
|other things?
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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