I'd been sort of skimming this thread, though with interest, but now I find 
my odd mix of personhood reflected in others (a rare occurance!) and am 
compelled to reply...

On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 12:36:26PM -0500, Caitlyn Martin wrote:
> Like Jenn, I only meet part of your "requirements" :)
> "Jenn V." wrote:
> > Helaine McFerron wrote:
> > >
> > > As  of this date I have yet to meet
> > > another women that is into being vegan/greenie/hippie/queer and all that
> > > plus a geek. Maybe I will meet some, maybe their on this list, but I haven't
> > > yet.

I'd also include "living in the same country" ;^)

> > Vegan: can't, I'm risking malnourishment as it is (medical diet).
> > Greenie: semi-inactive. I do what I can within the life I have.
> > Hippie: nope.
> > Queer: I'm bi. Everyone thinks I'm queer...

I believe that 'bi' is encompassed by the term 'queer'. To me, queer means 
non-(exclusively)-heterosexual, in the simplest definition, though I know the 
experience and definitions are far more complex.

> > Geek: absolutely. (Though working at Netizen I start to wonder
> >         if I'm really as geeky as I thought.)
> Vegan:  No, sorry.  Ovo-lactic vegetarian.
> Greenie:  Does this mean environmentalist?  If so, yes.
> Hippie:  Some of the ethics, otherwise no.
> Queer:  Nope, sorry, straight and in a relationship.
> Geek:  Yes.  It's terminal, I'm afraid :)
Vegan: yes, for many years, though with occassional concessions to dairy 
and fish, in circumstances with little choice.

Greenie/Hippie: I have been a political activist in support of several 
important social issues, in a variety of ways and over many years.  

Queer: yes, in a few permutations (identity, not physicality)

Geek: definately, though I still have much travelling left to do on the road 
to wizardry. [=^J

I am extremely fortunate to have found work that pretty much is conducive 
to all these values/qualities, as a sysadmin for a small non-profit ISP
(shameless plug - http://community.web.net). 

> IMHO, we shouldn't look for perfection because we won't find it.  I *never*
> dreamed I'd go out with a guy who was 16 inches taller than me.  It was really
> intimidating at first.  OTOH, so much else about him is *so* right...
I don't think its a matter of perfection, but rather that everyone has a 
different set of what is important to them in a partner/friend/whatever.

We all have our own configurations of what is *essential* to have in common 
and what is *flexible* in terms of accepting/living with/learning from 
differences - and that's OK, IMO.

Back to the queer thing - one of my own, now somewhat languishing projects 
is "Queer Nerd" which exists as a mailing list and a (now dusty) website.
(shameless plug - main site: http://www.qnerd.com, mailing list information:

I would love to have some new life breathed into Queer Nerd since I am too 
busy to do the sort of list facilitation/hand-holding it currently seems to 
need. I sometimes wonder whether this is because its all-gendered, too small, 
too unfocused in discussions, etc. I post things every now then, some 
discussion arises, then dies down into silence for another couple weeks.

I'd also enjoy hearing from, knowing about other queer geeks/nerds, even if 
you want to have nothing to do with Queer Nerd or the qnerd-l. 

The cyberdykes seem like a cool group... thanks to whomever sent that URL. 

OK, back to work with me...

Erin  8)

Web Networks Systems Administration
http://community.web.net -  http://www.web.net

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