Helaine McFerron wrote:
> As  of this date I have yet to meet
> another women that is into being vegan/greenie/hippie/queer and all that
> plus a geek. Maybe I will meet some, maybe their on this list, but I haven't
> yet.

Vegan: can't, I'm risking malnourishment as it is (medical diet).
Greenie: semi-inactive. I do what I can within the life I have.
Hippie: nope.
Queer: I'm bi. Everyone thinks I'm queer...
Geek: absolutely. (Though working at Netizen I start to wonder
        if I'm really as geeky as I thought.)

Jenn V.
  "We're repairing the coolant loop of a nuclear fusion reactor. 
   This is women's work!"
                Helix, Freefall. http://www.purrsia.com/freefall/

Jenn Vesperman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.simegen.com/~jenn

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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