Deirdre Saoirse wrote:
>Playing Devil's Advocate:
>Women ARE several times more likely to quit jobs than men for a variety of
>reasons, some of which have to do with childrearing and some which do not.
>Given that the costs of replacing someone in a position are high and the
>expected tenure is lower, what do you propose a fair non-sexist way would
>be to offset these financial risks to the company?

1) pay them as much as men, in order to give them an incentive to stay;

2) offer them (unpaid, if necessary) maternal leave so that they don't
have to quit to have children;

3) encourage men to take a share of childrearing (probably by
destigmatizing it in the media etc); and

4) allow flex time, childcare etc (which would benefit any childcarer,
and flex time would benefit non-childcarers, not just women) to make it
easier to work with children or other commitments


Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.  -- Bertrand Russell


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