Simon Britnell wrote:
> The Bad:
> The prime justification I have seen for demographics shifting basically boils down to
> "There should be more women in my field because if there were, there would be less
> sexism". 

If you read THIS into any of the responses to your posts, then you're
reading wrong. It wasn't there.
Half of the responses were an attempt to tell you that WE don't want
demographic tampering.

What we want is equal treatment. We know we won't get it until attitudes
change. We're working to change the attitudes, and in the meantime, to
provide places where we can support each other.

>  I still think that demographic tampering is a silver bullet.  People expect too
> much from it and it's a nuisance.

You're being inaccurate, and - frankly - it's coming across as patronising
as well. Sorry.

We aren't the people who expect anything from demographic tampering. The
quotas come from Suits who want a Quick Fix - or to prevent lawsuits
without changing corporate culture.

> On the subject of choice, you can't choice who your boss hires, but you can choose 
> boss (ie. get another job). 

Only if you're perceived as being good.

> You can choose the industry you work in.  

I know you didn't mean 'you can go work in child care rather than
programming', but that's how that line sounds.

> You can choose to be "thick skinned" (I need to).  

Not if you're a shy seventeen year old in first year uni. You're not mature
enough at that age.

> The Ugly:
> I'm pro linux chix.  Forums for open and intelligent discussion are the right thing 
>to do.

Good. :)

> I guess, in summary, I'm an individualist.  I want people to have the opportunity to 
>do and
> be what comes naturally to them without arbitrary external prodding.

And THAT is what we've been trying to tell you WE want. We're at the same
place, you just don't seem to be able to see that.

> I think it's great to provide support to female techs and to encourage those who 
>desire to
> move down that path. 

Thank you.

> I think it's bad to round up people to become clones.  This *this* is
> my objection to demographics as a measure of who should be doing what.  

Well guess what: we're not advocating demographics as a measure of who
should be doing what. We want /fair/ opportunities. For everyone.

> PS:
> BTW, I get a little
> emotional about the two items under "bad", so I apologise if my tone is offensive.

It's not the tone that offends. It's the evidence that you're not listening
that's offensive.

I'm going to put in a stereotypical female whine:

        If you cared, you'd listen.

Jenn V.
  "We're repairing the coolant loop of a nuclear fusion reactor. 
   This is women's work!"
                Helix, Freefall.

Jenn Vesperman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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