Hi, everyone,

> I read it to my husband. He just shrugged and said 'troll'.
> It was trollish, even if curious didn't intend to troll.
> curious:
>         Please put extra effort into not-trolling.
>         * Don't start arguing Microsoft's side on a Linux list.
>         * Don't ask 'why should women be treated fairly' or any
>         permutation thereof on a list dedicated to the proposition
>         that they should.
> As for why women should be treated fairly, here's an answer that is valid
> at least for the country I'm quoting:
>         "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created
>         equal..."

I tried reasoning with him all day.  I gave up.  It seems pointless.

Didn't someone, about a week ago, say that each week we get a CMOTW that


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