> Then the FAQ maintainer runs screaming off into the night and we never > hear from him/her again. Sounds rather like what happened the last time someone tried to do a LinuxChix FAQ. :> If, however, someone does manage to put together FAQs for any or all of the lists, I will *cheerfully* add them to the website and dance around happily whilst I do so. In fact, such an effort would be very very much appreciated. If it weren't for the fact that I'm already running like mad to keep up on my workload, I'd probably do one or two myself. Let me know. - deb -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- [issues] UF demonstrates "guy club" well... curious
- Re: [issues] UF demonstrates "guy club"... jenn
- Re: [issues] UF demonstrates "guy club&q... Janus
- Re: [issues] UF demonstrates "guy cl... jenn
- FAQ? was Re: [issues] UF demonstrate... Janus
- Re: FAQ? was Re: [issues] UF de... jenn
- Re: [issues] UF demonstrates... Deb Richardson
- Re: [issues] UF demonstrates "guy cl... Jeanette Heidenberg
- Re: [issues] UF demonstrates "guy club"... Ian Hall-Beyer
- Re: [issues] UF demonstrates "guy club&q... Steve Kudlak
- Re: [issues] UF demonstrates "guy club&q... Aaron Malone
- Re: [issues] UF demonstrates "guy club"... J B
- Re: [issues] UF demonstrates "guy club&q... Dakota Surmonde
- Re: [issues] UF demonstrates "guy cl... Steve Kudlak
- Re: [issues] UF demonstrates "guy cl... Marlene E. Morley
- Re: [issues] UF demonstrates "guy club"... J B