At 02:10 PM 11/05/1999 +0200, you wrote:
>On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, Janus wrote:
>> Because we can?  (Toranoki Sappho-sama wishes to point out that she does
>> her best to feed and house me, and it ain't her fault that I don't
>> appreciate a nice, fresh mouse now and then....)
>This really made me giggle, because "mouse" in Swedish has the same kind
>of ambiguity to it as "beaver" in English. Still, we use the word "mouse"
>for pointing devices for computers. You can imagine the kind of looks I
>get when I go to the (male) tech people to tell them I need a new mouse,
>because mine is broken.
>It's OK when we can laugh about it, but sometimes it gets really
>frustrating not to be able to have a discussion about computer mice
>without sexual undertones. This is a joke that never seems to "grow old".
Just curious -- what's the Swedish slang for the male equipment?  Couldn't
be anything you could turn around on you colleagues, like, say, joystick (a
term which I personally find useful in putting anglolouts in their

Whatever it is, I hope it is silly....



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