> >(btw the thing that confuses me the most about the cartoon is they don't
> >seem to want to work a graveyard shift.. but I digress :) )
> That part puzzled me as well - Most geeks I know would jump at the
> opportunity to go to graveyard shift, where there are no cow-orkers or,
> even worse, customers to deal with.

Same here.  I'm happy because the boss finally agreed to let me move my
desk back to the "cave" -- the server room with all the racks and Total
Control boxes.  I'm antisocial. :)

Incidentally, my UF-literate coworkers have taken to referring to me as
'Pitr' due to my penchant for strong coffee, evil tendencies, and habit of
using odd accents in casual conversation without realizing... :)

Aaron Malone ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
System Administrator
Poplar Bluff Internet, Inc.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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