> And do people who value the King-of-the-Hill points less, wind up not having
> their issues and thoughts discussed?
Right. Or if they do manage to inject something into the conversation, one of
the Obnoxious will then attempt to twist it back to his (or her) thread.
> I'm afraid I don't see quite how this differs from my 'women appear to be
> accultured to defer' situation - unless you're saying it's that it's not
> a passive thing (deference) but an active thing (grabbing for the
> conversation)?
> Are you able to clarify at all?
> And I'd be inclined to say it's probably a bit of both - but then, I tend to
> aim for the middle-ground in social contexts. :)
You're right, it's a combination of both. Those who engage in this sort of
behavior are grabbing the conversation, and from experience they know that many
people *will* defer, if for no other reason than they're used to more polite
conversational environments.
So in retrospect, my comment was not contrary to yours, but simply another aspect
of the situation. Neat. Back to Unreal Tournament now. :)
Aaron Malone ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
System Administrator
Poplar Bluff Internet, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org