> > point to make. Then came the adult linux thing, and suddenly I thought,
> > 'Oh, *I* see.' I felt that one was a calculated prelude to the other.
> I'm not sure if it was that calculated other than "I need to introduce
> myself first." ::shrug::
(to Deirdre) Given your insight on the matter, I will defer to your
judgement here.
(To curious) Sorry, I think I over-interpreted your introductory
> > And I found I had nothing to say. I was disgusted, but I couldn't really
> > get it out onto the screen. I don't want to help him. He is free to do
> > whatever he wants, but why is he asking me to help him do it so it won't
> > offend women in the community? I mean, what is he after? Encouragement?
> Chris, I must admit, is also a friend of mine. I wouldn't have
> suggested he come here because I know him well enough to know the outcome.
> I don't know why he asked and it still boggles my mind that he thought we
> would be a sympathetic audience for that sort of question.
Yes, that was definitely my mind-boggle for the week!
The plural of anecdote is not data.
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